Cranky's Cogs of Coding

The cogs keep spinning away!

My first paid coding opportunity, pt II

To see the backstory, read Part I first.

My first paid coding opportunity

Hopefully, this will be the start of something good. Currently, I’m employed in the operations division of market data company. I won’t go into all that we do there, but I will say that 1) it’s a tech company, and 2) we maintain a huge database. One of our biggest pools of employees are the people that basically ensure that the data we maintain is properly “bucketed” for use by our client-facing products. Any updates made today will be shown in our product’s tables the next day, which gives us a chance to check and fix any mistaken attributions that may occur. Our attributions are done either the people mentioned above or by more than a few automated systems we have. If I ever get a chance to work with said systems directly, I’ll share what I’ve learned, as long as it doesn’t violate any sort of internal confidentiality.

JS Anxiety, pt 2: Sometimes, it's okay to hardcode

This is a follow-up to a previous blog, found here:

Code Anxiety, React Edition

It’s that time again: Portfolio Project Time, React/Redux Edition!

JavaScript's Anxieties: Shifting Gears from Ruby, pt 1

A message my instructors at Flatiron school emphasized repeatedly to their cohorts was “Don’t become reliant on test feedback to get you through”. I believe the JavaScript section was designed quite specifically to wean us off of our dependence on prebuilt tests, like those in RSpec files in our coding labs.